Monday, January 11, 2010


Victoria has a latitude and longitude of 48° 26' 0" North and 123° 21' 0" West

Victoria has a population of 78,057 people

Victoria has a population density of 3965.5/km2

The landforms in Victoria are mostly mountains and forestry

During the middle of July, the climate in Victoria was around 19 °C and it was very dry, although we did once get a little bit of rain

Victoria is a part of the Pacific Maritime ecozone

Victoria’s closest national park is a historical national park called San Juan, but the Pacific Rim is the closest nation park

• Victoria's industries include of logging, forestry, fishing, and hunting

• Victoria's tourism is very good

We finally reached our final destination, Victoria. It only took a couple of hours, including a boat, to get here, but it was worth it

When we arrived, the sun had set and the dark clouds covered the skies with blackness. We pulled over to a hotel called the Brentwood Bay Lodge, which over looked the Pacific ocean. In the morning, you could see the odd killer whale jumping above the water in the distance.

After we ate our breakfast, we hopped back into the car to visit the Royal B.C museum. At the museum we saw different exhibits and galleries, one of them was a look at the First Nations cultures before and after the Europeans had arrived. One of the cool galleries was the Natural history gallery. There you got to go through the changing environments of Victoria.

Few days later, my mom wanted to go for a drive around Victoria's, very popular, scenic drive. The drive started at Dallas Road and went all the way along to Cattle Point. Along the way, you could see sail boats sailing in the ocean and the different sizes of the mountains. When we finally reached Cattle Point, we walked to the very end to get a glimpse of the Cattle Point Lighthouse, which is located on the San Juan Island Nation Historic park. The lighthouse was very beautiful, it kind of looked the lighthouse they used in the movie, the ring. The lighthouse was very tall and was bleech white.

We later walked back to our car to drive back to the hotel, for tomorrow we would be leaving back for St. John's to return our rental car and catch our flight back home.

So, I guess this will be my last blog on my family trip because next time, I'll be home.

Sites Used,+Canada

Sites Used for Photos

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